Credential Navigator
Here you can check out the schemes, issuers, credentials and attributes that are available in Yivi. Use the drop-down menu to browse the credentials. Looking for a specific attribute? You can use the Search bar to easily navigate through matching attributes.
Issuing Demo Credentials
By selecting the demo scheme you can issue demo credentials with arbitrary attribute values. This is helpful if you are new with Yivi, or you are a developing a prototype that needs Yivi credentials. After completing the Yivi session and scanning the QR code with your Yivi app, you are issued the Demo credential. You can access this credential on your phone. These credentials with custom attributes, have no real-life value, but it is a good way to see Yivi in action. In real world implementation, production-ready scheme and issuers are used, and values in the attributes are derived from data provided by identity providers and never arbitrary.
Select a scheme, issuer, and credential to generate test attributes: