Demo GÉANT Trust and Identity Incubator


This is a testing issuer. Its IRMA private key is public, so anyone can issue credentials with this issuer. Use it for testing and demo purposes only.
Issuer identifier
XML source


The following credentials can be issued by this issuer:

Demo GÉANT Incubator eduGAIN proxy
This credential is used as part of the Distributed Identity for Research (DI4R) IRMA demo in the GÉANT Trust and Identity Incubator.\nThis credential allows users to load profile information as provided by their home institution into an IRMA wallet for login to services lateron.
Demo SURF Research Access Management
This credential is used as part of the Distributed Identity for Research (DI4R) IRMA demo in the GÉANT Trust and Identity Incubator.\nThis credential allows users to load profile information as provided by SURF Research Access Management (SRAM) into an IRMA wallet for login to your research community services.